Tag: dreamlife

  • Confessions of a Former Shopaholic

    Confessions of a Former Shopaholic

    Up until very recently, I would have considered myself a shopaholic. I was obsessed with spending money that, frankly, I didn’t have. I loved the thrill of getting something new. I loved the rush of being impulsive and buying something without thinking twice. I always kind of laughed it off, but it wasn’t until recently…

  • Declutter: Creating Space for New Opportunities

    Declutter: Creating Space for New Opportunities

    Hey, hey! If you’re anything like me, you deal with clutter and what feels like a constant battle against mess. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a mountain of clothes on my bedroom floor, and my makeup was always spread across my dresser. It’s so ironic that I consider myself one of…

  • Let’s Have a Dream Summer

    Let’s Have a Dream Summer

    I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like summer goes by so fast. Those 95 days seem to fly by, and often I notice myself and others feeling like we missed out on doing all the summer things we’d hoped to do at the beginning of the season. Well, we have a way to guarantee…

  • How I Use Our Anxiety Management Workbook

    How I Use Our Anxiety Management Workbook

    Earlier this week, Susan and I launched the first of our digital downloadable products for the iPad. This is a project we have been working on for months, and we are so excited for it to be live! This is the beginning of a whole new Dream Life Loading. We are providing you with products…

  • Hot Girl Walk Essentials

    Hot Girl Walk Essentials

    Back in early 2021 the phrase “hot girl walk” was born. Now, over 2 years later, I am still an avid hot girl walker. The phrase hot girl walk was coined by a TikToker named Mia Lind. Her original idea was a four mile outdoor walk where you only think about three things: what you’re…

  • How to Maintain Successful Long Distance  Relationships

    How to Maintain Successful Long Distance Relationships

    No matter how you choose to stay connected and communicate with your long distance relationships, the main point here is to just make sure that you do communicate. So many things change when a relationship becomes long distance; don’t let communication be one of them.