Category: Blog Post

  • How to Maintain Successful Long Distance  Relationships

    How to Maintain Successful Long Distance Relationships

    No matter how you choose to stay connected and communicate with your long distance relationships, the main point here is to just make sure that you do communicate. So many things change when a relationship becomes long distance; don’t let communication be one of them.

  • Best Friend Breakups

    Best Friend Breakups

    Boyfriends and girlfriends come and go, but friendship – that one is supposed to last for life. Right? No one starts any relationship with the expectation it is going to end, but sometimes they do and honestly that’s okay. There are so many metaphors I could put here about friendships – they come in seasons…

  • My Favorite Books so far of 2023

    I don’t know what it is about warmer weather, but it always makes me want to read more. Maybe it’s the desire to be outside that makes me want to pick up a good book and sit on my porch. Whatever the reason is, spring and summer is always a time where I get back…

  • A Love Letter to Spring

    Dear Spring, I’ll be honest, in past years, I have often overlooked you. I’ve always wanted to jump right into Summer, not caring about the beauty of what you bring. I looked at you as the muddy season that was still too cold to be enjoyable. I waited for something “better,” always wanting more from…

  • Kind Is Never Wrong

    When I moved from the USA to Italy in October 2022, I was nervous for a lot of different reasons: will I fit in? How will I communicate with people? When will I feel adjusted and at home? Can I form lasting friendships, even if I don’t speak the language? What if people don’t like…