Declutter: Creating Space for New Opportunities

Hey, hey! If you’re anything like me, you deal with clutter and what feels like a constant battle against mess. For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a mountain of clothes on my bedroom floor, and my makeup was always spread across my dresser. It’s so ironic that I consider myself one of the most organized people I know when it comes to work, business, relationships, notes, and agendas. However, keeping my materialistic things in order is a mess.

My husband and I knew we wanted to buy a house, but with the current real estate market, we didn’t think it was in the cards for a while. Nonetheless, our dream house quite literally fell into our laps. We were faced with moving from our second-story apartment and putting everything in storage within a two-week time frame. I knew this was my opportunity to declutter and get rid of as much as I could, so I didn’t have to move all this extra stuff not once, but twice!

Letting go is not always easy, my friends. Each item held a story, a memory, or a sentiment. But I discovered that releasing the physical weight of unnecessary possessions also freed my mind and spirit. I asked myself a simple question: “Does this item bring me joy?” If the answer was a hesitant “maybe” or a resounding “no,” I knew it was time to bid farewell and pass it on to someone who would truly cherish it.

Decluttering is not a one-time event; it’s a way of life. I realized that mindful intention was the key to preventing clutter from creeping back into my space. With each new item that entered my life, I questioned its purpose and value. I became a vigilant gatekeeper, only allowing objects that aligned with my values and brought genuine joy into my sanctuary. This meant fewer trips to TJMAXX and intentional buying.

As the clutter melted away, a newfound sense of space and freedom emerged even before we left the apartment. I could breathe more deeply, move more freely, and experience profound calmness in my surroundings despite all the life changes happening at the same time. With fewer distractions, I rediscovered the beauty in the simplicity of life. When we moved into our house, each room became a canvas, inviting me to curate a space that reflected my truest self. From our living room, where we visit with friends and family, to my office (which I have unapologetically moved twice to find the best use of my space). Speaking of which, having decluttered made trying new room arrangements and new spaces simpler because I didn’t have to move a million things!

Decluttering is about so much more than organizing your physical spaces. It’s a profound exploration of self, a quest for liberation from the burdens of excess, and a pathway to finding true joy and authenticity.

Embrace the blissful simplicity that decluttering offers. Open your heart, your mind, and your living space to the transformative power of letting go. Trust me when I say a decluttered life is a life overflowing with joy, peace, and infinite possibilities.

Happy decluttering, friends! Create space for your Dream Life to Load! Let go of the past and embrace exactly where you are right now!





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