Let’s Have a Dream Summer

I’m sure I’m not alone in feeling like summer goes by so fast. Those 95 days seem to fly by, and often I notice myself and others feeling like we missed out on doing all the summer things we’d hoped to do at the beginning of the season. Well, we have a way to guarantee how to make the most out of every single day of your summer. We’re so excited to introduce our newest challenge: Change Your Life in 100 Days: Dream Life Summer edition.

Almost exactly a year ago, Susan created her “Change Your Life in 100 Days” challenge on TikTok, and it really took off. She formed an entire community of people who wanted to improve their lives and support one another in doing so. This challenge really did change people’s lives. I’m sure every single person who participated had a different take away from it, but for me, one of the things I loved the most was how it taught me that even the smallest changes can make the biggest differences. If you can commit to spending just 100 days focusing on yourself and improving your life, change will happen. All those little tasks add up to such a big change. This challenge was really the beginning of Dream Life Loading, and we’ve been working since October to create a company that can expand on that community Susan built last year. Over the past few months, our Dream Life Loading community has slowly been growing, which gave us the inspiration to take it to the next level.

This Dream Life Summer challenge is the first of so many self-improvement, interactive challenges we plan to do here at Dream Life Loading. We’ve been carefully crafting and designing this program for months, and we are so excited for you all to get your hands on it. This challenge has the same format as Susan’s challenge last year; it’s 1 challenge a day for 100 days to improve and change your life. If you did the challenge last year, this is a great second one for you to complete because it has all new challenges and ideas, and if this is your first challenge with us, welcome! This is the perfect challenge to start with because we’ve taken what we learned from Susan’s challenge last year to make this one the best it can be. There are so many different ways to go about self-improvement, and for this challenge, we wanted to keep things different from last year, so we’ve chosen a focus on summer. To us, summer reminds us of being carefree kids and the joy that came with that. For this reason, we’ve chosen combine childhood fun with self improvement in order to heal your inner child and get the most out of this summer season! You’ll see this theme reflected in almost all of the 100 challenges.

The Dream Life Summer challenge runs the entire length of summer: June 21-September 23, plus 5 bonus (journaling reflection) days to hit that 100 day mark. The design goal for this specific challenge was to take all our very favorite childhood summer memories and combine them with self-improvement. This is meant to be FUN! You’re going to spend an entire summer focusing on yourself and living in the moment, therefore slowly changing your life over the 100 days. Some challenges focus heavily on reflection and self-improvement: waking up a little earlier, journaling, quitting phone habits, etc, and others focus more on enjoying the fun of healing your inner child: making friendship bracelets, building a blanket fort, eating ice cream before dinner, and more. If you make the jump to choose to invest in yourself this summer, we promise you it’s going to be worth it. 

Now, you may be asking: “how do I join?” Well, we’ve made it easy! There are two different ways you can join our challenge, and both are available on our Etsy shop. The first option is the Change Your Life in 100 Days: Dream Life Summer Challenge. This is a 10 page digital download that includes all 100 days of the challenge, plus access to our members only Facebook page. The second option is the Change Your Life in 100 Days: Dream Life Summer CHALLENGE & WORKBOOK. This 137 page digital downloadable workbook includes everything in the first option and more. The workbook is designed for people wanting to dive deeper and get the most out of the 100 day challenge. In addition to already including the 100 challenge days, the workbook has an entire interactive section on gratitude plus space to document your memories, thoughts, and experiences throughout the summer. If you’re hoping to really commit and focus on your self-improvement with this challenge, the workbook allows you to do that and keep all your notes and journal entries in one place. If you’re just hoping to try out the challenge but aren’t looking for anything extra, you can do just that! Whichever option you choose will grant you access to the Dream Life Summer 100 Day Challenge and exclusive Facebook group, where we’ll be posting all summer long to support each other and hold one another accountable. It’s all about the community here at DLL!

You can purchase the challenge now to prepare for our official start date on June 21, the first day of summer! We are so grateful for the support and feedback we’ve already been receiving from this challenge. It’s such a wonderful feeling to see a community of loving people who believe in this company as much as we do. So truly, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you so much for supporting Dream Life Loading and our vision! We can’t wait to have a Dream Summer with you.


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