My Work-From-Home Essentials

Hey there! Are you ready to elevate your work-from-home experience? I know how important it is to create an environment that boosts productivity, focus, and overall well-being. In this blog post, we’ll explore essential tools and personal touches that will transform your workspace into an inspiring haven. I have even attached photos of my new work from home office that is not even close to done, but doing the trick to keep me inspired and creative thanks to these few customized touches! 

Focus-Enhancing Candle:

  1. Picture this: a beautifully scented candle flickering on your desk, filling the air with invigorating scents like citrus or peppermint. These focus-enhancing fragrances can work wonders for your concentration. Light up that candle and let it create a calming ambiance that helps you stay in the zone. I also LOVE using fresh flowers for this! Right now it is lilac season where I live and I am fortunate to have large lilac plants just outside my office window! So for now I am taking full advantage of Mother Nature’s fresh fragrance and letting my open window fill my home with that summery sweetness! 

Refreshing Beverages:

  1. Work doesn’t have to be all serious business! Stay hydrated and treat yourself to delightful beverages throughout the day. My personal favorites include lemon water, lilac lemonade, and iced tea. Sip on these refreshing drinks to stay energized and invigorated during those long work hours. Plus the more you hydrate the more you earn those pee breaks! 

Inspirational Journals:

  1. Let’s unleash our creativity and capture our thoughts and ideas in a journal. It’s an amazing tool for self-reflection, brainstorming, and personal growth. Find a journal that resonates with you, whether it’s a bullet journal for organizing your tasks or a guided journal that prompts you with thought-provoking questions. Let your pen flow and watch your ideas come to life. Working from home I often have both home and work projects on my mind. Keeping a couple journals out lets me organize my thoughts as they come in so I can refocus on my work during my working hours. 

Personalized Decor:

  1. When it comes to making your workspace your own, the possibilities are endless. For me, it’s all about those little touches that make me feel good and inspired. Picture this: pink curtains gently swaying in the breeze and a cozy pink chair that screams cute & comfort. What colors or elements make you feel like you’re in your element? Infuse your workspace with your unique personality and watch your motivation soar.

Desk Treadmill:

  1. Who says you can’t stay active while getting work done? Enter the desk treadmill, a brilliant invention that allows you to walk and work simultaneously. It’s a fantastic way to incorporate physical activity into your day, boost your energy levels, and get those creative juices flowing. Consider adding a desk treadmill to your setup for a healthy and productive work-from-home routine. I got mine on Amazon for around $170.00 and did not have the means to buy the matching elevating desk. I lift my desk onto milk crates when I want to walk! It doesn’t have to always be aesthetic to work! 

Cozy Essentials:

  1. When the chilly or rainy days roll in, it’s time to embrace cozy essentials. Keep a heating pad nearby to snuggle up with when you need a little warmth. And don’t forget a soft, comforting blanket for those moments when you want to feel cozy and relaxed. Surround yourself with comfort, and watch your productivity soar.

Organization Tools:

  1. Stay on top of your game with effective organization tools. A weekly desk planner is a game-changer for managing your tasks and priorities. Take a moment each week to visualize and plan your goals, and watch your productivity skyrocket. Additionally, consider incorporating a whiteboard for brainstorming ideas and mapping out your projects. Let your creativity run wild!

Inspiration Board:

  1. Fuel your motivation by creating an inspiration or vision board. Gather pictures, quotes, or images that resonate with your goals and aspirations. When you look at your board, you’ll feel an instant surge of excitement and determination. Let it be a visual reminder of what you’re working towards and keep that fire burning.

You’ve unlocked my secrets to crafting an inspiring and productive work-from-home setup. By combining essential tools and personal touches, you’ve created a workspace that reflects your unique style and fuels your productivity. Embrace these elements, infuse your workspace with your personality, and watch as your focus, motivation, and overall well-being reach new heights. Get ready to conquer your goals & work day! 






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