7 Ways to Break Up with Your Phone

7 Ways to Break Up with Your Phone

When you finish reading this blog (I assume you are on your phone right now), it’s time to leave your phone in the dust and be fully present this summer. Understood? Good. Now let’s get into it.

I’ve been addicted to my phone ever since I saved up and bought my first iPod touch. It was the 4th gen iPod touch that brought a “social life” to your fingertips. Do you remember the old Instagram app icon or the Kik instant messenger app? Those were the days. My parents used to be the most annoying parents in the world when they would say, “Susan, can you put your phone down?” or “There’s a phone growing out of your hand, Susan.” But the one that drove me up a wall the fastest was, “Susan, you’re addicted to that thing.” Looking back, I think it made me mad because deep down I knew it was true, and frankly, I was embarrassed.

When I got to college, I felt like a kid in a candy store. I could be on my phone all day long, and that’s exactly what I did. I had to charge my phone a couple of times a day just to keep up with my usage. I had this false sense of connection to people and the world through my device, but it couldn’t have been further from the truth. In retrospect, I realized that the period of my life when I spent the most time on my phone was when I felt the most alone and unsure of myself. It makes sense considering I was constantly consuming everyone’s highlight reels and comparing myself to what I saw. It wasn’t until this past year that I truly assessed the role of my phone in my life and realized I needed to break free from the virtual world. These seven steps or methods are what helped me break up with my phone.

  1. Delete Unused Apps: Clear out the clutter and get rid of apps you no longer use or those that contribute to excessive screen time.
  2. The 3-Scroll Rule: If you’re not inspired, learning, or laughing within three scrolls on any social media app, put your phone down for at least three minutes and try again later.
  3. Focus Mode: Use the focus mode feature on your phone to minimize distractions and stay focused on the task at hand.
  4. Start a New Hobby: Find a hobby or activity that doesn’t involve your phone, something that genuinely interests you and helps you disconnect from the virtual world.
  5. Keep Your Phone in Your Pocket or Purse in Public: When you’re out and about, resist the temptation to constantly check your phone. Instead, keep it tucked away and engage with the world around you.
  6. Turn Off Your Notifications: Reduce the constant buzzing and beeping by turning off unnecessary notifications. This way, you’re in control of when you engage with your phone, rather than being constantly interrupted.
  7. Log Out of Social Media Apps: Make it a habit to log out of your social media apps every time you close them. This simple step adds an extra layer of mindfulness and discourages mindless scrolling.

While my screen time is still high, I’ve realized that the time I spend on my phone is mostly work-related. Whether it’s posting for our business or connecting with our followers, my phone plays a crucial role in my professional life. I’ve also learned to let go of the guilt associated with using my phone because its purpose has changed over time. Social media used to be a place where I compared myself and tore myself down, but now it’s where I establish my presence, achieve financial and creative success, and connect with people around the world. These seven tips have helped me become more present in the moment when I’m not working. For example, when I’m sharing a meal with friends or family, or simply sitting on the couch with my husband, I make a conscious effort to keep my phone away. It has truly transformed my relationships because I’m fully present and engaged in the moment.

I hope these seven tips help you disconnect from your phone and reconnect with the world around you. Sometimes using your phone is like burying your head in the sand. Be bold, look up, and see all the opportunities that start to unfold around you.






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