My Favorite Books so far of 2023

I don’t know what it is about warmer weather, but it always makes me want to read more. Maybe it’s the desire to be outside that makes me want to pick up a good book and sit on my porch. Whatever the reason is, spring and summer is always a time where I get back into reading. But, it was one of my goals for 2023 to read more, so I’ve already been on a really good routine with reading for the past few months. Because of this, I’ve already read 10 books this year! So if you’re anything like me and want some book recommendations now that the weather’s getting nicer, here’s my favorite reads so far of 2023.

Local Woman Missing by Mary Kubica

This is a thriller that kept me engaged from start to finish. Good Reads describes this book as a “smart and chilling thriller, master of suspense and New York Times bestselling author Mary Kubica takes domestic secrets to a whole new level, showing that some people will stop at nothing to keep the truth buried.” Local Woman Missing tells the story of a neighborhood where multiple women have been going missing. The story jumps between present day and 11 years prior, when the first disappearance takes place. The book also switches between different points of view. Despite all these different changes, the story is very easy to follow, and I stayed hooked the entire time.

I gave this book a rating of 5/5 stars, not because it was the best book I’d ever read or even the most creative story, but because it kept me engaged. When I’m in a good groove with reading, I want to read books that keep me interested from start to finish. This book did exactly that! I will say that I found the ending to be a bit extreme, but if you can use your imagination, it’s still absolutely worth reading. And to top it off- this book was scary. I often read thrillers and long for more of that “spook factor,” but this book delivered. There was so much left unknown until the very end, and some of the scenes definitely gave me a shiver! If you’re looking for a scary, eye opening thriller that will suck you in, Local Woman Missing is for you.

Mad Honey by Jodi Picoult & Jennifer Finney Boylan

As many of Jodi Picoult’s books do, Mad Honey takes place in New Hampshire. Being that I grew up and went to college in New Hampshire, I loved that detail of this book right off the bat. The way the authors describe the New England scenery brought me right back to my hometown, which I really appreciated. But, that wasn’t what I loved the most about this book. Mad Honey, in short, is the story of a teenage boy who is accused of killing his girlfriend. The story shifts from the perspective of his girlfriend, prior to her death, and the boy’s mother. I am very fond of books with multiple POV, so I appreciated this switch, and it helped the reader to gain so much perspective from all sides of the murder trial. Good Reads describes this book as “a riveting novel of suspense, an unforgettable love story, and a moving and powerful exploration of the secrets we keep and the risks we take in order to become ourselves.”

For months, I said this was the best book I’ve read of 2023, and it still is one of the best books I’ve ever read. While I did correctly guess the ending, I still found myself second guessing certain characters throughout the whole book. You find yourself torn between trusting one thing and actually believing another. This book discusses so many important themes, and in my opinion, it’s done so well. Mad Honey makes you think- plain and simple. You’ll be left thinking about so many different things and topics. As to not give anything away, I’ll leave it at that. But this is one I recommend anyone and everyone to read.

Perfect Marriage by Jeneva Rose

Another thriller! I really debated including this book in this list because of how unbelievable it really is, but I did enjoy this book, so I decided to keep it in. If you’re going to read The Perfect Marriage, you need to let go of what “would” or “should” happen in the real world compared to this book and just appreciate the story for what it is. It’s fiction- it’s not trying to be realistic; it’s trying to be thrilling! This book also has two perspectives, and every other chapter we switch between the wife’s POV and the husband’s. The main plot of The Perfect Marriage is that the husband is accused of killing his mistress, and his defense attorney wife now has to defend him in court. Like I said – it’s not meant to be believable; it’s just a good story.

This book kept me turning the pages. I was so eager to learn more and understand how the story played out. Unlike Mad Honey, I was not expecting this ending AT ALL. I was shocked. To give you an idea of how addicting this book was for me, I read the last 30 pages between workouts at the gym. I couldn’t put it down! This was not the most well written or well thought out book I’ve ever read, but it was certainly a creative, engaging story. If you’re looking for a fictional thriller to keep you turning to the next chapter, this book may be for you!

Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin

I saved the best for last! This is the best book I’ve read so far in 2023. I did not expect to like this book, and I only finally read it because I was seeing so many different people post and talk about it. Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow is nothing like a lot of other books I read, and that’s what made it so special. This book had to be included in this list, but it is so hard to describe. Good Reads describes it as “a dazzling and intricately imagined novel that examines the multifarious nature of identity, disability, failure, the redemptive possibilities in play, and above all, our need to connect: to be loved and to love. Yes, it is a love story, but it is not one you have read before.” I think every single person on the planet would be able to read this book and appreciate it for different reasons- it’s just that good.

In the simplest terms, this is a book about friendship. Three college students get together because of a shared passion for video games and end up creating a successful business. But this book is so much more than that. The character development is insane, the themes are beautiful, and the descriptions are breathtaking. This author sucks you right into the world of this book, and it’s so easy to picture and believe everything that’s happening. I think I felt every single emotion possible during my time reading this book (which was only 6 days because I couldn’t put it down!). If you choose to read only one book that I’ve discussed here, make sure it’s Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow. 

I’ve read so many great books in the first four months of this year, and I can’t wait to see all the great ones I read as the year goes on! One of my favorite aspects of reading is sharing your love for a book with someone. So, if you’ve read any of these books, or if you have suggestions for books you think we should read, let us know!






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