Kind Is Never Wrong

When I moved from the USA to Italy in October 2022, I was nervous for a lot of different reasons: will I fit in? How will I communicate with people? When will I feel adjusted and at home? Can I form lasting friendships, even if I don’t speak the language? What if people don’t like me? And so many more. Almost exactly a month after moving, I came to a huge realization that answered and shot down all of my fears: kind is never wrong. If I was being kind to others and myself, then everything else would fall into place. Kind is never the wrong answer.

The phrase first came to me on a car ride home with my boyfriend. I remember the moment so specifically. Oftentimes I notice that happens when someone has a huge idea or breakthrough-  you remember the moment as if it just happened. I had been added to a group chat, and I hadn’t yet responded to it. I wanted to say something to acknowledge that I’d been added, but I was so worried about saying the wrong thing or making the wrong first impression. I’d been sitting on what to respond for almost a full day. Then, on that drive home, the idea came to me: “I just have to be kind,” I thought. “Kind is never wrong… All I have to do is be kind.” So that’s what I did. I responded, thanking the women for adding me to the chat, and expressing how excited I was to get to know everyone. Less than a month after sending that text, I have made many amazing friends and connections here. All because I let my anxieties go and chose to just be kind.

That first situation with the group chat was the beginning of me living under the mantra, “kind is never wrong,” but it was not the last. This phrase can be used by everyone, in situations big or small, every single day. After a social situation, I used to have spiraling thoughts where I would play back the whole event in my head. I would wonder if I said or did the wrong thing or if I had upset someone. But not anymore. Because now before any social gathering, I remind myself that kind is never wrong. Then after the event, if my thoughts begin to spiral, I can shut it down because I know, with confidence, that I was kind in my interactions, and therefore, I couldn’t have done anything wrong.

“Kind is never wrong” can also be used as a reminder to be kind to yourself. As human beings, we are constantly beating ourselves down. Most of the time, we’re our biggest critic. Be kind to yourself, and be kind in the ways you speak to yourself. You can still push yourself and work towards your goals and aspirations, but you can do it in a kind way. 

Remembering that kind is never wrong has allowed me to let go of a lot of self doubt and anxiety that I’d been carrying with me for far too long. Knowing that *all* I have to be kind has allowed me to release worries I had with so many situations. No, being kind will not make everyone want to be your friend. But, being kind to yourself will allow you to be okay with the fact that not everyone will like you. This lesson is all about what you can control, and letting go of what you can’t. You can control how you treat yourself and how you treat others, so let go of the fact that you can’t control other people and their actions. Have satisfaction with knowing that you are kind to others and to yourself, because kind is never wrong. I am so excited and proud to share that our newest collection, Kind Is Never Wrong, is launching tomorrow, 1/11. We have worked hard to design the perfect logos paired with the best materials to create a sweatshirt that you feel confident and cozy in. The hoodie features “kind is never wrong” in large, dramatic font on the back, and the front has our classic “Dream Life Loading” logo with a twist. The two daisies growing from the logo are to represent the importance of friendship. When you wear these hoodies, we hope it’s a reminder to yourself that all you have to do is be kind, and the universe will take care of the rest. Our goal with this collection is simple: to spread kindness. Wear your hoodie as a way to promote kindness; when someone asks you what your sweatshirt means, you can spread the message of kindness, and maybe even make a new friend! Thank you for supporting us and our vision!

Kind Is Never Wrong

Skylar Hamilton






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