A Love Letter to Spring

Dear Spring,

I’ll be honest, in past years, I have often overlooked you. I’ve always wanted to jump right into Summer, not caring about the beauty of what you bring. I looked at you as the muddy season that was still too cold to be enjoyable. I waited for something “better,” always wanting more from you and not appreciating what you had. This year, I patiently await your arrival.

Instead of waiting for the warmest weather of the year, I am looking forward to the lovely, comfortable weather you bring. I will walk for miles without getting too sweaty or uncomfortable, and I won’t have to worry (too much) about getting a sunburn. I can keep the windows open all day, hearing the birds chirping, telling us that they too are happy that Spring is coming. I will go out of my way to enjoy all the little things about this season. I will buy fresh flowers to decorate my home and fresh fruits and vegetables to cook with. I’ve been looking up local markets in my area, and I can’t wait to visit weekly markets to pick out the freshest of ingredients to cook with throughout the week. There is something so special about cooking with clean, simple, fresh ingredients. Spring allows us the luxury of being able to do this, all season long. After a long winter of eating frozen meals and canned goods, I will not take advantage of the ability to buy and cook with fresh produce. I can already picture all the recipes I will make!

Spring, you bring us a season of new beginnings. From budding flowers, to new opportunities, to new chapters in our lives, this season is full of so much newness. The world around us transforms almost overnight from a grey, dreary landscape to a colorful field full of flowers and light. You give us the opportunity to transform ourselves. Winter can be hard on us, and it can be easy to hibernate and forget the outside world. But you, Spring, encourage us to get back out there and begin again. I am accepting the challenge of beginning again. 

My goal this season is to appreciate Spring for what it is, without looking too far into the future. There is no reason to rush Summer along, as she will come when it’s time, so instead we will live peacefully in the presence of Spring. You are the light at the end of Winter’s cold tunnel, reminding us that there is always a reason to keep going and keep pushing. You show us that there is beauty in every change.

So, as to not contradict myself, I will not rush you along, but instead I will enjoy this in-between time. I anticipate that first moment when I can close my eyes and allow myself to thaw out under your warm sun. I know I’m not alone when I say how excited we are for your arrival, but in the meantime, I will continue daydreaming about the beauty of the season that comes, while appreciating the season that leaves. We’re ready for you, Spring, and we will welcome you with sundresses and open arms. 


Your newest fan






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